What is needed for strong hair?

What girl does not dream of strong and beautiful hair! In antiquity, thick hair was considered a sign of femininity and good health. And this is no accident - the hair really reflects the state of the body. What to do to make your locks lush and shiny?

In conditions of constant stress and adverse ecology, maintaining hair in good condition is not easy. It is important to remember that proper care is not limited to cosmetics. Perfect hair formula: healthy lifestyle plus well-chosen cosmetics.

Nutrition for Strong Hair
One of the important components of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. A diet containing enough vitamins, trace elements and useful fatty acids will improve well-being, increase activity and become the key to your beauty. We will figure out what products will help make hair strong and thick.

Surely you have heard about the beneficial properties of this marine fish. It is rich in essential omega-3 acids. Regular consumption of salmon will help achieve clean and supple skin, strong hair and nails. The fragility of the strands is significantly reduced, the hydrolipidic balance of the scalp is restored.

Recently, much has been said about the alleged dangers of milk. However, nutritionists say that if you have no lactose intolerance, milk is more likely your friend than enemy. Due to its high content of protein, calcium and vitamin D, dairy products help strengthen hair. In addition, cheeses, cottage cheese and kefir have the amino acid tryptophan, which is a natural antidepressant. And we remember: the less stress, the stronger the hair.

Eggs are rich in easily digestible protein, which is the building block of cells. Chicken yolk contains an impressive array of trace elements: potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, as well as antioxidants. This is a unique cocktail for strong hair.

Vegetables are recommended in most diets, and a diet for healthy hair is no exception. Experts advise choosing the brightest fruits - the more saturated the color, the higher the content of nutrients. Carrots and pumpkins, for example, are rich in beta-carotene, which helps to absorb vitamin A. Vegetables that have a positive effect on hair health also include peppers, herbs, spinach, and broccoli.

Nuts are a storehouse of healthy minerals. So, Brazil nut contains selenium, which supports the health of the scalp. Walnuts have a lot of fatty acids, including omega-3, alpha-linoleic and eicosapentaenoic, their body is not able to synthesize on its own. Almonds are rich in vitamin E. This delicious nut can strengthen your hair both inside and out, for example, as part of homemade masks with almond oil.

Home Care for Strong Hair
To make your hair strong at home, it’s important to choose the right makeup. Well-proven oils for strengthening and hair growth: burdock, castor, shea butter, avocado, almond. The health of the strands depends on the condition of the scalp, so pay attention to buying a good shampoo. The progress of the cosmetics industry has given us the opportunity to provide salon care at home with the help of hair ampoules. The course is able to bring to life even the most damaged curls.

When choosing cosmetics, look for substances such as aminexil, minoxidil, dwarf palm extract, caffeine and quinine. They slow down hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.

Experts advise a scalp massage to make your hair strong. The point is that due to the stimulation of this zone, the flow of oxygen to the hair follicles increases. In addition, reviews of many women confirm the effectiveness of taking special vitamin complexes for hair.